Retrieve Triggers Information in SQL Server Database

 In SQL Server, you can use the following query to find triggers in a database:

   name AS TriggerName,
  OBJECT_NAME(parent_id) AS TableName,
 type_desc AS TriggerType
FROM sys.triggers;

This query retrieves information about all triggers in the database from the sys.triggers system view. It selects the trigger name, associated table name, and trigger type.

You can further filter the results to find triggers for a specific table by adding a WHERE clause:

    name AS TriggerName,
    OBJECT_NAME(parent_id) AS TableName,
    type_desc AS TriggerType
FROM sys.triggers
WHERE OBJECT_NAME(parent_id) = 'your_table';

Replace 'your_table' with the name of the table you want to find triggers for. This query will retrieve only the triggers associated with the specified table.

By executing these queries in SQL Server, you can find triggers in your database and obtain information about their names, associated tables, and trigger types.

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