SQL Query: Generate DROP TABLE Statements for Tables Matching 'TESTPRD[_]%' Pattern

To generate a list of 'DROP TABLE' statements for tables in the sys.tables system table that match the pattern 'TESTPRD[_]%', you can use the following query:

SELECT 'DROP TABLE [' + name + '];' AS DropStatement FROM sys.tables  WHERE name LIKE 'TESTPRD[_]%';

This query selects the name of each table that matches the specified pattern and constructs a 'DROP TABLE' statement by concatenating the table name within square brackets. The result set will contain a column named 'DropStatement', which will hold the 'DROP TABLE' statement for each matching table.

Please note that executing these 'DROP TABLE' statements will permanently delete the corresponding tables and their data. Exercise caution when executing such statements, as data loss cannot be reversed. Make sure to review the generated statements carefully and take necessary backups before executing them.

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